I’m thinking of quitting my job…

In the spring of 2001 I was working in the internet division of an international PR firm in London and was getting itchy feet.

I was looking for a change and wanted to travel. One morning I decided to do something about it and emailed John, an old friend from university:

Subject: hi 
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 10:21:11 AM
From: david...@...com
To: john...@….com

John - I am thinking of quitting my job and going around the world, do you want to come ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "John...." <john...@...com>
To: <david....@...com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: hi


 Wow! You serious? If thats the case then yes I would be very interested. How about a flight out tomorrow? Give me a call and we will discuss.


For the rest of the day, I could think of little else and drifted through my workload, my mind in far away places.

I wanted to see India and Egypt again and spend some time in South-East Asia and was particularly keen to live in Australia and travel through some of the US of A.

I knocked off at 6 as usual and joined the commuter rush at Waterloo for the train home.

I called John and we immediately agreed that a round the world trip would be a good idea.

I handed in my notice the following Monday and we set about planning the trip.

I had to work my full 2 month notice period and we decided to leave on Friday 10 August 2001.

Our first destination was Egypt….