Month: October 2002

Back 5 days

I’ve been back 5 days now and it’s been fabulous to see everyone again, especially my little nephews Fin (3) & Myles (15mnths) – little bundles of fun and laughs ! it’s good to be back, but a bit depressing tho’…it’s wet and foggy with days of constant drizzle…. I am job hunting and looking for a place to live etc, god London is criminally expensive…..give me Melbourne any day ! *OK that’s my winge over*

Venice Beach, LA…

am in Venice Beach, LA…yay!

Left Melbourne at 11am this morning – 14hr flight *urgh*… bit of a long haul but managed it in the end ! Lots of American Tourists on board….he he ! Got chatting to a couple from Illinois, who live ’bout hun’red mile south a Chicago’ ! Sat next to 2 aussies on the flight – Scott, heading to Vancouver for a 2 week holiday and another guy going to some IT conference in LA – cool guys…passed the time anyway.

Got to LA feeling pretty knackered….landed at 7.30 am (midnight Melbourne time) and decided to stay up and see it through. Found my hotel, a cheapish dive not too far from the airport – it’s easy here….you just call the free pickup bus and they zoom out to the airport, scoop you up and deposit you at the hotel reception – very handy if you are a bit jetlagged and stuff ! Had a nice hot bath (‘soaked in de tub’ as they say in yankyland !) and chilled for a bit watching CNN on Iraq…..situation looks bad !

Decided on Venice beach as the relaxed option rather than rushing round loads of tourist places. Hopped on the no 3 bus (75cents!) and jumped off at Venice beach 30 mins later.

Venice beach is not what it is cracked up to be – quite a disappointment really. Bit soulless and tacky with no real vibe – just a strip of stalls and shops selling the same old stuff – tie dyed t shirts, carved elephants, thai buddhas, soaps etc etc – a few interesting (v American) extras tho’ like the atheists stall – I think you just argue about God for a bit before moving on to browse the charcoal prints or the Elvis paintings !

It’s a combination of Bondi and Phuket, with a whiff of Goa thrown in ! Some good bands playing too. It is basically the Bondi of LA and doesn’t have half the character and presence of Bondi on a Saturday afternoon……perhaps I don’t give it credit. Maybe a bit tired and grouchy.

Think I am going to hire a car tomorrow and head out to Hollywood, Beverly Hills etc, have to see how it goes ! anyway, more soon…..

My last day in Melbourne…

My last day in Melbourne….my last day in Oz, oh no what am I gonna do ! I fly out tomorrow morning at 10.15am and land in LA at 7.30 the same morning – kinda weird that. According to my sister I’ll actually be younger when I arrive in LA than I was when I left Melbourne…is that right ?

Have been doing the last minute things….shopping, posting the final stuff home and taking a last look around ! I’ll be sad to leave, but it will be fabby to get to the good ol’ US of A and have a look round – can’t wait !

more soon…

quit my flat

well, I quit my flat in St Kilda tomorrow morning and have to move into a hostel for 5 days….*urgh*

I’ve been packing up and cleaning stuff and tying up the loose ends – need to get that deposit back ! I never knew a fridge produced so much water when defrosting – the kitchen’s nearly flooded ! The fridge smells of cabbage too which is mildly alarming ! (I’ve never eaten cabbage here !)

Went to the Sunday Market at the Vic Arts Centre this morning – loads of stalls selling trinkets, mustard, posh soaps and that kinda thing. It was busy and there was a really funny performer doing disco moves in an afro wig and generally entertaining the crowds ! It’s a cool place, I’ve been a few times.

Picked up some b/w photos and prints of Melbourne – Flinders Station, the gratuitous tram shot etc.

The guy had a whole load of framed photos from all over the world too. So, I picked up a few of India and Thailand. Should look good on my wall when I get back !

Can’t wait for Saturday – I fly to LA for 2 weeks on the west coast….should be fun !

start with a joke

You know what they say – start with a joke ! Well, this is supposed to be the world’s funniest joke:

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: “My friend is dead! What can I do?” The operator says: “Calm down, I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: “OK, now what?”

I guess it’s kinda funny !