Month: December 2002

sorting, filing, chucking stuff out,

sorting, filing, chucking stuff out, putting things away, looking through old bits and pieces… archiving kinda day. Needs to be done sometimes and a wet weekend in december is a good a time as ever…..

Got the Saturday Guardian today…..lookin for jobs ! Bastards didn’t even have a job section this week……. pissed off ? just a tad !

onwards and upwards…..

well, another christmas come and

well, another christmas come and gone…..and what a great christmas it was – family, presents, turkey, wine, christmas pudding, small children running around, paper hats, afternoon walk, tea and chrimbo cake, more presents, more wine, snooze, cold turkey and cheese, more booze and tootled off to bed. A very pleasant experience.

I elected myself chief photographer and took loadsa pics on my little digital cam….yay ! I might even post some on the site…..

now it’s back down to earth and looking for a job….hey ho, best foot forward and all that !

it’s the night before the

it’s the night before the night before christmas…..a big family chrimbo awaits – how nice ! I have been doing all kindsa stuff today…..wrapping, clearing up, helping out, sorting stuff, preparing etc etc…. My bro and his fiancee arrive tonite so christmas proper starts then……

mmmm… chutney making is fun,

mmmm… chutney making is fun, takes ages tho’. Have to wait 6 weeks for it to mature too.

trying to get insurance for the car…..jesus it is a rip off. All I want is a lousy 3rd party fire and theft cover and these buggers want the earth….. ’nuff said !


my grandfather (centre) as a toddler with his brother and sister. c. 1907

I have been looking through a box of old family papers and photographs today.

It is poignant to read my grandparents’ letters and see their old photographs. Some of the pictures are over 100 years old !

One of the most striking things is that photos from my grandparents’ childhoods (1900-1920ish) are so similar to those of their children and indeed my own childhood.

Give or take the style of clothing and colour photography, as children we did the same sort of things – play on the beach, pose for pictures with proud parents, play in the garden etc etc……

It’s odd to be able to see photographs of 4 children, knowing that each is one of my grandparents…..without them, I would not be. They were me 100 years ago !

It reinforces my belief in the cycle of life…we are born, develop, pair off, breed, raise young, wither and die.

I can see my grandparents as children knowing how their lives would develop. Knowing who the little girl or boy would marry, how many children they would have, and where they would live and work.

Also when and how they would die. The only difference between them and me is time…..

Their cycle has been completed, mine is still current. They are now the past, I am still the present.

In 100 years someone may be looking at photos of me wondering who was that person, what was his story…. it’s up to me to make it an interesting read !!!