Month: December 2002

white van man day today…hooray

white van man day today…hooray !!! Day off warehouse skivvy work, so hired a van with my bro and helped him shift furniture around ! Old stuff to the charity shop, replacement beds to his flat, wardrobe and bed to tooting and back again…. What a way to make a living….

also got rejected for that job… pissed off bout that, would have been such a beauty ! Hey ho, plenty more fishes in the sea !

the media are obsessed with

the media are obsessed with Cherie Blair’s property dealings in Bristol….did she mislead Downing Street spin doctors, work with convicted fraudsters etc etc. The papers are full of it (9 pages in some tabloids), the TV news are headlining it and Cherie has finally come out to give a statement clarifying certain points. Who cares, who gives a shit who she had dealings with, what she bought or who advised her on fashion and lifestyle – IT IS IRRELEVENT !!!!!!

We are about to go to war in Iraq, the Americans are threatening to act unilaterally and outside the rule of international law, millions face starvation in Africa, global economic indicators look gloomy etc etc – some big important scary things are going down and the media are obsessing on petty vendettas and non-issues. The press live in a little self-obsessed bubble….. such shite !

I think we are in

I think we are in for a big economic crisis…..probably in the next 18 months. Government borrowing is up, american economic confidence is waning and big business are laying off large numbers – it does not bode well ! The housing market is well over valued and there is one hell of a lot of debt out there….for both individuals and businesses

car maintenance day today…..such fun

car maintenance day today…..such fun checking tyres, oil, water etc etc. a wretched little bulb on the dashboard blew the other day and I can’t see the speedo in the dark now. This means one thing – I have to take the damn dash apart to fit a replacement bulb – you won’t believe what a business that is….. all for one measley bulb !!!!! hey ho…it’s christmas after all

I’m also putting XP on my Dad’s PC which is fun !!! nuff said !

interview went very well –

interview went very well – chuffed with the presentation and overall performance…. you never really know how well it went, no idea who the other candidates are, or what their experience and background is. I have to wait until mid next week before I hear back… could be yay or nay, who can tell !

Went into Kingston to do the old chrimbo shopping and bought loadsa stuff…… got stalked by a mum with toddler in Borders Books !!! I was browsing the toddlers’ picture book section for a pressie for my 18 month old nephew and she sidled up and recommended a few titles !!! I then bumped into her again and again…she was following me around – bit scary really !!!!

also came across a big coffee table book on lifestyle/living in Sydney and spent a while dreaming over the pictures….they even had a photo of the London Tavern in Paddington which was our local for 6 months or so…gutted ! Am quietly considering uping sticks and moving out there sometime in the future……

anyways, digits are crossed on the job front…

I don’t like spiders, but

I don’t like spiders, but I do like spider stories….here’s a good ‘un

A woman bought an exotic house plant from a garden centre. The plant had a ‘lifetime guarantee’ and she decided to put it on her bedside table. A few days later she noticed that it had died and took it back for a replacement. The garden centre provided a new one and promised to investigate why it had died so soon.

A week later she had a visit from the exotic animals inspectorate. They were called in when the garden centre had discovered an empty spider’s nest lodged in the root ball of her dead house plant. They carefully searched the room where the plant had been kept and discovered a large tarantula nesting inside her DUVET !!!!!!! It had crawled out of the bedside pot when the plant died and taken up residence in her warm bed……. She had been sleeping with it in the duvet for a week……yikes !