Month: January 2003

jesus, what is wrong with

jesus, what is wrong with this country – a few inches of snow and the place grinds to a halt…. some poor bastards have even been stuck on the motorway for 10 hours in the snow…. Being British they dutifully sat in their cars and waited to be told what to do…..imagine if it had been Americans, they would have moved the damn blockage themsleves and driven home !

a bit more sun and we have hose-pipe bans, a bit more rain and we have devastating floods, a bit more snow and everything stops, a bit more wind and we have transport chaos…what the hell is going wrong here. I was at the station today catching the train into London and there was a sudden announcement that the next 2 trains were delayed by 70 minutes due to the snow….. There was a collective groan and everyone whipped out their mobiles to call their offices/homes/destinations… Some poor bastard flipped a bit and stormed off to the ticket window…the conversation went like this:

exasperated commuter: when is the next train ?!
ticket clerk: erm… it’s been delayed due to bad weather. It’s running about 70 minutes late, Sir
exasperated commuter: WHAT ! I’ve been late for work every day this week due to train cancellations and delays…IT’S JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH
ticket clerk: sorry to hear that sir
commuter: Who do I make a complaint to, is there someone I can speak to that might make a difference ?!
ticket clerk: if you fill out this form, we may be able to offer you some compensation…
commuter: CHRIST !

He snatched the form and stormed out of the station… We could all hear him cursing and swearing down the street. (have you noticed that ticket offices these days are protected by armoured glass…!!!)

Go to Canada and they all get to work in the snow no problems, the Scandanavians are experts at it, the Americans know just what to do…. The Brits get gridlocked after a cold snap and a couple of inches…..something somewhere is seriously fucked….go figure !

ok, spleen vented….

movabletype’s a piece of piss

movabletype’s a piece of piss ! It’s all setup and running, no problem ! I’ve had to change the hosting tho’……lycos is shite. are cheap as chips and have all the add-ons and extensions anyone could ever hope for…. so I’ll be fiddling with templates and CSS and all that jazz, then, after a quick migration and domain transfer, the new incarnation will be revealed…

I am migrating this whole

I am migrating this whole site to movabletype – a personal content management system…. This will involve a coupla evenings of tekkie shite and, no doubt, a fair bit of swearing, but I should be up and running in the next week or so… this space.

maybe a redesign is in order too….;o)

a toddlers weekend comes to

a toddlers weekend comes to an end…. The nephews descended here on Saturday and we’ve had a great time playing farms, cars, zoos, going for walks, looking in the pond, dropping lunch on the floor etc etc. A great time had by all !!!

oh, and no more warehouse skivvy work ever – yay ! Friday was my last day !