Month: March 2003

Ok, quiz time….

Ok, quiz time…… what is this:

XXXX is virtually a city in itself. Approximately 23,000 employees….arrive daily from Washington, D.C. and its suburbs over approximately 30 miles of access highways, including express bus lanes and one of the newest subway systems in our country. They ride past 200 acres of lawn to park approximately 8,770 cars in 16 parking lots; climb 131 stairways or ride 19 escalators to reach offices that occupy 3,705,793 square feet. While in the building, they tell time by 4,200 clocks, drink from 691 water fountains, utilize 284 rest rooms, consume 4,500 cups of coffee, 1,700 pints of milk and 6,800 soft drinks prepared or served by a restaurant staff of 230 persons and dispensed in 1 dining room, 2 cafeterias, 6 snack bars, and an outdoor snack bar.

click here to find out

day 4 of the invasion

Day 4 of the invasion of Iraq and it doesn’t seem to be going quite to plan. The Iraqis are fighting back, employing classic guerilla tactics, to the apparent surprise of the Americans. There has been some fierce fighting in some of the towns in southern Iraq and I’ve just seen pictures of US marines in tears, sitting with their heads in their hands after suffering casualties in battle. Terribly bad for America’s image. Have the Americans made a massive miscalculation that will end in a military nightmare or will Saddam’s regime collapse among exuberant scenes of civilian rejoicing ?

It’s too early to tell, but the prospect of a drawn out conflict with a growing body count really worries me…..

The invasion of Iraq begins…

The invasion of Iraq by America and Britain began today.

I don’t support the invasion and think it’s dangerous and unjustified.

We can only hope it ends soon and is as bloodless as possible.

America and Britain will win, there is little doubt of that.

What will they do with Iraq once the Yanks are in charge is another question…..

It’s weird to be at war.

on the buses

I now commute to work on the bus….

more comfortable than the damn train and much cheaper !!

I got a neat little Sony Walkman radio for Christmas and happily listen away to the Today programme on the way into work.

This morning, news was breaking about a new ‘killer flu virus’ which has just appeared in Asia.

The New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clarke, was reported as saying that it may be as catastrophic as the flu epidemic of 1918 which killed millions.

The news bulletin then moved on to report on the impending invasion of Iraq, threatened resignations from Blair’s cabinet and falling global stock markets.

Sitting on the top deck of my bus in London listening to the unfolding news stories, the outlook did not look good.

On my way home, after a good day at work, I plugged into the radio again and was soon updated on the day’s events:

  • war is now inevitable
  • the first case of the flu virus had been discovered in Britain
  • Robin Cook had resigned from the Cabinet.

Azores Summit

I’ve just watched the BBC News 24 special on the Azores Summit press conference, broadcast live and uncut by the BBC.

Blair was at his best, obviously under pressure but his delivery was concise and convincing. He touched on the main issues, including the future of Iraq, the UN and Isreal-Palestine and gave a really good performance.

Bush on the other hand was awful. In person and without a script the limitations of the man really seemed to show through. He ummed and erred and wandered off the point, dealing in unconvincing generalisations. His body language was bad and, frankly, he looked out of his depth.

I think Bush lacks the political and international experience, especially when required to negotiate and decision-make on the world stage without the cover of his more experienced advisors. It appears he has fallen into the classic trap of weak political leadership by allowing the military timetable to dictate the political agenda. That wily fox Rumsfeld probably runs rings around him within the administration.

With this man in charge there may be real trouble ahead.

new job

first day of the new job today….hoorah !!! Interview Monday, offer that evening, started work 8.30 am this morning….whirlwind !!! It’s a great little marketing agency with some fantastic clients…… Spent the morning meeting the team and the afternoon at the clients plush new offices – they are one of the world’s largest booze companies ! Onwards and upwards !!!!!

new telly being delivered this evening too…the old one dropped dead the other day….doh !!!!