
Couple of classic anecodes:

During a royal visit to South Africa in 1947 an old Boer approached Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and boldly stated –

“I don’t think much of royalty. I think South Africa ought to be a republic.”

To which Queen Elizabeth is alleged to have replied,

“That’s how we feel in Scotland too, but the English won’t allow it”.

His response is not recorded.

Here’s one from the legendary Kenneth Williams:

A friend of his visited the house of two old spinsters to examine a Ming vase that they had for sale.

On entering their large living room he spotted a condom sitting on top of their piano. He turned to one of the spinsters and asked her what it was doing there.

She replied: “Edith and I found it while walking in the park the other day and it said on the packet, ‘put on organ to avoid infection’.

We don’t have an organ so we put it on the piano.

Do you know we haven’t had a cold since !”.