Comedy Reunion

Hungover and grotty today….bleh ! So have decided to update the blog and watch Ice Station Zebra on TV…

Had a fantastic time last night tho’ . JP came down from Norfolk and we went to see Anna and Dave in Tufnell Park. We met them in Goa and spent quite a bit of time together in Sydney. It was great to see them again and catch up.

We went to the White Horse in Hampstead for the comedy night which was pretty good and a great laugh. Despite it being in a very hot and smokey beer cellar. Dave has worked behind the bar there and we managed to wing a lock in till 3am drinking far too much with a bunch of Aussies and a slightly wacky Canadian. Damn was I pissed by the end of the night…… Needless to say I had a hangover the size of Canada this morning….nasty, nasty, nasty !!!!

On a separate note I bought an excercise bike yesterday – it’s time to get fit….!!! Can I cycle 5 miles a day……hmmm we’ll see !

today's weather...

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