Monkeys into Gorillas

Here’s how it works…. You are given something to do at work, it’s a relatively simple task which can be done quite easily. You accept it and pop it in your metaphorical in tray to do later….. it’s a nice little manageable thing, let’s call it a monkey. On the first day you don’t get round to doing it, same happens the next day and the next. As you put it off, it grows and gets bigger. The monkey starts turning into a gorilla and your response is to ignore it, put it off and hope it goes away. You prevaricate, avoid, dodge and weave as the gorilla gets bigger and bigger and angrier and angrier…. It’s an issue you have to deal with and the longer it is put off, the worse it is going to be….. Before you know it you have a huge angry gorilla on your hands. If only I had done it sooner, if only I could have dealt with the nice little monkey rather than having to tackle the damn gorilla….

The metaphor might be a bit mangled, but I slew my gorilla today…. I had a report to write and delayed, prevaricated, avoided and dodged like a little wanker. I could have dealt with an easy little monkey, instead I had to battle a big, mad silverback…..silly me !

today's weather...with a little shower about lunchtime

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