
It looks like the ‘coalition of the willing’ might be making one hell of a mess of Iraq. The Americans don’t have a coherent strategy and are now nearly losing a soldier a day. The British are facing increased animosity from the Iraqis and have no real exit strategy. American and British political leaders do not know when they can disengage from Iraq – will it be in one year or five ?

As each week goes by the Iraqis are becoming more and more frustrated and hatred for the occupying forces is growing by the day. It seems that the worst case scenario of a protracted guerilla war might actually happen…

How long can Britain and America sustain guerilla style attacks, angry mobs, grenade attacks and ambushes. Bush has a presidential election coming up and simply can’t afford too many military casualties. The Americans are already asking other countries to shoulder some of the burdern. Poland has accepted military commitments in Iraq and Pakistan and a few Central American countries have been approached. Is Bush looking to get out in time for his election ?

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