Heavy levy

Right, that’s it ! I’ve prevaricated, evaded, filibustered, deferred, postponed, dodged and weaved. But now I have to face it… The hour has come ! The dreaded TAX RETURN has to be done !

Procrastination is an art and when it comes to tax I am spectacularly efficient at not getting round to it. I have, however, discovered that you can now fill in your self assessment tax return online. My life is changed forever ! I registered with them today and apparently it takes 7 days for them to send through the activation code. It’s officially sanctioned, I can put it off for another week !!! How good is that !

As the French Statesman Jean Baptiste Colbert once said, “The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least amount of hissing.

Today, I’m hissing !!!

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