good weekend !

An extremely enjoyable weekend comes to an end. I met 2 very nice new people on Friday evening – went out for a few beers in Richmond and had a great thai meal followed by a boozy/blurry bus ride home – only just managed to wake up in time for my stop…!

Saturday and Sunday was spent in the country looking after my little nephews, Fin (4) and Myles (2). We had a great time: played hide-and-seek, went for a little walk, waved at the steam train, hunted for conkers, got nipped by a shetland pony, saw goldfish in a pond, was barked at by big dogs, had a game of poo-sticks on the bridge, played cricket with squishy apples, looked for rabbits, ran around until we fell over, played endless games of ‘I’m the king of the castle’, watched ‘Babe’ on video (I slept through most of it !), had a messy tea, played with toy cars, had a few little tantrums and then fell fast asleep !

Everyone then descended on my parent’s place for a boozy family BBQ on Sunday with Pims, loads of red wine, chicken legs, plates of salad and a very wobbly summer fruit terrine to top it all off. By 5pm I was spooned into my bro’s car and whisked back to London to recover !


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