
It’s happened again !

We have a bit of snow and the entire country grinds to a halt.

Roads close, flights are cancelled, schools shut, trains fail and cars crash into each other.

Our Scandinavian friends have no problem getting about in FEET of snow. The Americans don’t seem to have any problems either. The Brits are just twats when it comes to snow which really winds me up !

The snow started to fall in London at about 5pm and almost immediately the radio travel news started to report rail cancellations and road closures.

It sounded like a real nightmare. I even heard that some poor woman actually gave birth in a car stuck in the snow !

It took me ages to get home from work and I even had to cancel an evening in Covent Garden because I didn’t think I’d be able to get back…

Just pisses me off when this kinda thing happens. It’s not as if snow is unexpected in winter !