Osama Bin Laden – Catching the rat !

The media are starting to report that US and British special forces have Osama Bin Laden cornered in Northern Pakistan.

Apparently, Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, is with him.

George Tenet, the CIA chief, has recently visited Islamabad and the Pakistanis are moving forces north to ensure they don’t escape.

Bin Laden must be well hidden and surrounded by ultra-loyal guards who would die to protect them. It could be messy, but when the time is right they’ll go in and get them. The interesting question is when ?

The Presidential race is beginning and Bush began setting out his campaign strategy yesterday.

We can look forward to lots of commander-in-chief rhetoric and war on terror tub-thumping. The Republicans will ruthlessly calculate every electoral advantage and the final capture of bin Laden must rank high on their list of priorities. They will manoeuvre and scheme to ensure that he is captured at the point of maximum campaign advantage.

There are even mutterings of replacing Dick Cheney, the darling of the religious right.

There are no sacred cows !

They must win !

They’ve got to hustle and scheme to keep hold of world power and will do anything to win. A second term is vital for the right and disastrous for the left (and arguably the rest of the world). America is highly polarised and the capture or killing of America’s most wanted man might just tip the scales in Bush’s favour…