Month: April 2004

Abu Ghraib

Disgusting pictures are emerging of US troops torturing Iraqi prisoners at the notorious Abu Ghraib detention facility in Baghdad. Seems that American ‘contractors’ were given free reign to do what they wanted at the prison, with scant regard for any due process or the Geneva Convention. The world is outraged….

While America preaches freedom, democracy and the rule of law they are seen to do the opposite. This is hugely damaging.

Can the Americans make a bigger mess of Iraq ?!

On every front they’ve been heavy-handed, aggressive and totally lacking any understanding of the delicate religious and cultural environment they’re in. A ‘free and democratic Iraq’ – what the hell does that mean ? It suspiciously sounds like Iraqi freedom on American terms…

The disastrous seige of Falluja with footage of dead children and now these prison pictures have enflamed the Arab world. Bush’s support for Sharon’s disengagement plan from Gaza and the recent killings of Hamas leaders adds to the fury. The Arabs are outraged at America and Israel and swear revenge. This rage is fuel for Islamic fundamentalism and terror. The Americans can forget ‘hearts and minds’ now. They and the coalition are hated.

The worst case scenario now seems possible. America’s occupation of Iraq coupled with recent Israeli actions in the West Bank and Gaza may eventually push the whole region over the edge.

The, so called, ‘Arab street’ is full of angry young men radicalised by an extreme version of Islam that preaches hatred of America, Israel and the West.

Could the moderate regimes of America’s key allies, Egypt and Jordan, be ousted by Islamic fundamentalism ? Could the catalyst for this actually be Iraq ?

We have already had militant bombings in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The Saudi Royal family is in trouble and the succession uncertain. the future looks bleak. America’s invasion of Iraq has destabilised the region and provoked, not curbed Islamic fundamentalism. The world is now a much more dangerous place.

There seems to me to be two ways forward. The American unilateral way. Which will end in war and disaster.


A multilateral approach based on the UN, negotiation and agreement. To put it frankly, the European way. Europe had a disastrous 20th Century which left millions dead in two world wars. The Europeans have realised, at huge cost, that the only way forward is together.

On the eve of the historic expansion of the European Union, that must be the message that Europe take to the world. The UN, with all it’s faults, is our only hope in Iraq. The quicker the Americans realise this the better.

il pleut…

Holy house have I just been soaked to the skin….. It started pouring like feck with thunder and lightning and I got caught out slap bang in the middle of it all….

grrr…. all wet now !

today's weather...

extraordinary morning…

extraordinary morning….

firstly very low water pressure meant that the thermostat on the bloody shower wouldn’t switch on and give me hot water.

How annoying is that.

Had to wait for the damn water to heat up…. which made me late…grrrr

then there was an Archbishop on my bus…..

not a mere Archbishop, but an Archbishop of Canterbury no less !

I also saw Britain’s most distinguished theatre director too, waiting for his car… what a weird morning !

Oh, and when I eventually arrived at work my nice new freeview box was waiting for me…. how good its that !


It’s ANZAC Day.

The day that Australia and New Zealand remember their veterans and war dead.

It’s an impressive occasion, with a dawn service and a moving parade through the streets of every Australian city.

In Sydney, the finale is a spectacular march to pipe and drum to the cenotaph in Martin Place.

I was there 2 years ago and will never forget it. It’s like a family day out to celebrate and remember a generation that fought so hard and gave so much.

Everyone seems to come out for one day to celebrate and cheer as the veterans march past.

we have 3 restrictions…. the

we have 3 restrictions…. the surface of this planet, the length of our lives and ourselves….

With that in mind, why am I doing what I’m doing ? Shouldn’t I be doing something different, more exciting and rewarding. Experimenting more, taking more risks and simply having more fun for the sake of it…

Hmmm, food for thought !

Iraq’s Coalition Provisional Authority

Hmmm just done a whois lookup on Iraq’s Coalition Provisional Authority website.

Guess who owns the domain and where the site’s based….. Defense Technical Information Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA. No surprises there ! Propaganda ? Never !!!!

Oh, and Paul Bremer, CPA chief and American Viceroy of Iraq is “one of the world?s leading experts on crisis management“. He needs to be….


ha ha…gotcha !! Solved the mysterious movabletype not publishing issue. Whenever I hit publish it would freeze on the ‘Rebuilding entry…’ page… why ? It’s been happening for the last 2 weeks or so. Thought is was something to do with recent ISP upgrades or some PHP weirdness that I’d never track down.

It’s because I turned on pop-up ad blocking on the Firewall – seems it messed with MT….doh !

back in business….. :O)

the internet….

the internet is amazing…. what did people do BI – before the internet !

Today, I’ve…

caught up on night time radio chat from Sydney
scanned the news and views from papers in Israel, America, Britain, Russia, Hong Kong, India and Trinidad.
watched Al Jazeera footage of the war in Iraq and the assassination in Gaza
listend to French, Persian, Turkish, Japanese and Cuban radio
downloaded & set up iTunes
watched the trailer for Amitabh Bachchan’s latest films Khakee and Aetbaar
researched prices for a very sexy digital camera I’ve got my eye on
had a look at prices for a weeks diving in the Red Sea
found a one minute film competition 🙂

and all this didn’t cost me a bean…. how good is that !

today's weather...