Month: October 2004

Halloween Fireworks

Halloween FireshipWent over to my sister and bro-in-law’s place for an excellent Halloween fireworks party last night.

Dressed the kids up as a spooky ghost and a scary skeleton, complete with painted faces. Loaded them all into the car and headed off to enjoy the burning ‘viking’ boat, excellent pumpkin carving, spooky halloween games, ghostly ghoulash and baked potatoes, fantastic fireworks and plenty of beer to wash it all down…

Saw my sister’s new kitchen – WOW – and rounded it all off with a scrummy cheese board and glass or few of wine. Very nice !

United States ?

Watched the US election edition of Question Time last night. It was a special edition broadcast from Miami and staged in front of a local American audience.

On the panel were Michael Moore, David Frum for the Republicans, Lida Rodriguez-Taseff, Chair of the Miami-Dade Electoral Reform Coalition, Sidney Blumenthal for the Democrats, and Richard Littlejohn, Sun columist, to add a British flavour.

Unsurprisingly, David Frum trotted out standard Republican Party lines and Sidney Blumenthal did pretty much the same, arguing from a Democrat perspective. Michael Moore gave us a bout of populist Bush bashing and entertained the audience with some sharp witticisms and pointed observations. None of them set the place on fire…

What immediately struck me was how polarised the audience seemed. Party supporters cheered and whooped when their respresentative made a point and booed and shouted when an opposing argument was put forward. Passions were high and David Dimbleby struggled at times to chair the debate.

What became clear was the American people have already made up their minds on the issues and the vast majority have chosen their candidate. This is supported by a Reuters poll out today which put Kerry and Bush on a dead tie of 47%-47% with 3% undecided.

The debate revealed an audience divided into two camps, split along ideological lines. Each camp mistrusts, even hates, the other for their position on key issues like gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research. The religious right versus the progressive left, Democrats versus Republicans, moderate coastal states versus an evangelised centre. Whatever you call it, I don’t think it’s good for American unity and cohesion. Could America’s so called culture wars end up ripping the country apart ?

Kinda reminds me of Aesop’s famous quote, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

Black Tuesday…

75 years ago today, on 29 October 1929, Black Tuesday hit the New York Stock Exchange. Panic selling saw share prices collapse, wiping out thousands of investors and plunging the world into economic crisis.

The best account of the fallout from the Wall Street Crash I’ve ever read was in Eric Hobsbawm’s masterful Age of Extremes. Basically, it devastated the world economy causing mass unemployment and civil unrest. Consequent political instability resulted in a shift to the right and the ‘fall of liberalism’. The crash contributed to the rise of militarism in Japan and fascism in Europe which plunged the world into 5 years of global conflict.

‘It’s the ecomony, stupid’….

.: Linklog :.

Homo floresiensis

Scientists have discovered a new species of human. Long extinct, the 3-foot people lived on a tiny island in Indonesia until at least 12,000 years ago. They evolved in isolation and developed long arms, probably for climbing trees.

The new species has been named “Homo floresiensis” or “the Hobbit”. Archaeologists have uncovered an 18,000-year-old specimen along with six other individuals.

The amazing thing is the legends of the local people describe ‘Ebu Gogo‘, or little people about one metre tall, hairy and prone to “murmuring” in a strange language.

The most recent ‘Ebu Gogo‘ story is about 100 years old…

What an intriguing find. Could there even be any left alive…

went to the gym...

George W Bush : Access Denied…

The Bush camp are now blocking all non-US traffic to their election website

Anyone outside America trying to view the site gets this message:

Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “” on this server.

What don’t they want us to see ? Are they dissing us cheese eating surrender monkeys in a vain attempt to get elected ? Perhaps they don’t want the cowardly axis of weasel to see their policies for the next 4 years ?

Or are they getting hammered by gigantic bandwidth charges….!

However, go to their secure site and all is revealed… ha !

.: Linklog :.

John Peel

John PeelJohn Peel died today. I was genuinely saddened when I heard the news.

He has been DJ’ing on Radio One for longer than I’ve been alive. I remember his legendary sessions in the 80s and 90s and more recently have been waking up on Saturday mornings to his dry wit on Home Truths.

He will be sorely missed…


Saw ‘Saw’ last night at the Vue Cinema West End.

Scary stuff.

Two guys wake up chained at opposite ends of an industrial washroom.

Between them is a decomposing corpse.

One has to kill the other or face a terrible death before time runs out. A series of macabre clues lead them to concealed hacksaws – to their horror they realise the only way out is to cut through their ankles…

The story unfolds through a series of carefully managed flashbacks. We discover they’re the victim of a sadistic psycho called ‘The Jigsaw Killer’ who traps his victims and forces them to make gruesome life-or-death choices to escape.

It’s a chilling psycho-horror that turns on the desperate plight of the two characters, played by Cary Elwes and Leigh Whannell.

They are trapped.

Trapped by the chains, trapped by the serial killer, and trapped by their mistrust of each other. The sense of claustrophobic, no-way-out horror is cleverly developed and unnerving to watch.

Elwes hams it up a bit, but it’s an intriguingly dark horror film and well worth seeing.

Before seeing the film we shopped on Oxford Street in the driving rain. Huddled under a windswept brolly fighting off the worst the British weather could hurl at us. Darting in and out of shops trying not to get utterly soaked.

After a warm up at Costa coffee and a browse through the department stores we hit the cinema.

We rounded off the evening with a lovely meal at the Thai Pot, Covent Garden and a late train ride home with all the pissed up party goers.

Two lads opposite were hilarious – faking sleep, somewhat obviously, whenever the ticket collector came by… !