Month: June 2005

Geeks and the geeky things they get up to….

Apparently, over 7m people in the UK admit to being geeks. That’s a lot of geeks ! I’m one. Love tech and geeky things. Fiddling and tweaking, discovering how things work and customising the hell out of apps and gadgets. What did people do before the internet !

The marketers have classified a majority of geeks as ABC1 consumers with £8.2bn a year to spend pursuing our hobbies. That’s purchasing power. As a result, tech marketing has a strong geek feel. Think of all that Apple branding and those geeky IBM server ads.

Geekery has always been a boy thing, but the report reveals that 33% are female ! Wow. The girls have got the bug too.

As we know, geeks tend to be early adopters, with 90% of geeks being first to buy new gadgets and technology. 87% say their friends seek their advice before buying. That’s surely designed to make the marketers sit up. Target the geeks and you get their mates too. We are a cynical lot though. So pity the brand that gets it wrong !

I guess it’s just another focus grouped marketing survey with pretty predictable findings. Interesting to see the marketers thinking when trying to shift stock though.

The Sci Fi Geekforce Report is out in July.

Trooping the Colour

Popped up to town to catch Trooping the Colour yesterday. Staked out a space in the crowd to take some photos. It seemed the whole world was out in London to enjoy the sun and watch the parade.

The crowd was huge and we had to jostle to keep our view. Eventually, the sound of marching bands. They marched past on their way back to Buckingham Palace followed by mounted cavalry pulling gleaming gun carriages. Ranks of immaculate troops in step to a drum. More marching bands. Then carriages of royals, waving serenly.

The Queen came passed in an open carriage accompanied by the Duke in full uniform with huge bearskin. She looked good. As they approached the crowd noticeably swelled as people waved and clapped. The man next to me raised his hand to wave and stuck his elbow right in front of my camera. I now have a blurry picture of his arm. Humph !

Almost as soon as the carriages came into view, they were gone. Following behind were the regimental colonels and crusty old generals on horseback. Cavalry officers of the old school. They sure looked the part. Hollywood couldn’t have done better.

It was an enormously impressive parade. Choreographed and planned to the samllest detail. The rule seemed to be the more gold a soldier was wearing the higher the rank. The uniforms were elaborate and finely detailed. Some soldiers looked more like pearly kings than fighting men. My favourites were the bagpipers in kilts and bonnets with green capes thrown over one shoulder. They looked like Robin Hood !

The police gradually moved the crowds to the palace gates and the royals came onto the balcony to watch the flypast. We got a good spot near the front gate. I had heard the new Eurofighter was in the flypast and particularly wanted to see it. At bang on 1.00 the first plane flew low over the crowd, followed by two Eurofighters in escort.

On the balcony, the Queen looked serene, Charles and Camilla looked very happy and, it must be said, William looked quite uncomfortable. They waved at us. We waved back and cheered. They went in and it was all over. The soldiers then marched out of the palace gates to the delight of the crowds.

We wandered down the Mall avoiding the horse shit and lunched on a hot dog in St James’ Park before walking past Parliament and up Whitehall. We saw a couple of ministers come out of the Cabinet Office. I was impressed by the way they just joined the crowd and wandered up the street. No overt bodyguards or police protection. John Prescott even cruised past in a Jag looking rather casual.

We headed to Picadilly Circus and Oxford Street for shopping. I picked up a pair of gym traniers and a few T-shirts for the summer. Nipped into the the Apple Store which was amazing. All ergonomic design, silver hardware and cool geek atmosphere. Branding at its best. Niketown on Oxford Street was another total brand experience. The peak of aspirational marketing. They do the branding thing so well.

By chance, we saw the World Naked Bike Ride as it weaved its way down Oxford Street. The cyclists were totally starkers and we all roared with laughter and surprise as they casually rode past.

We paused in John Lewis for a latte and carrot cake before wandering back down Oxford Street through Soho to Chinatown. We finished off a fabulous day with a delicious chinese. The Peking duck with plum sauce and pancakes was perfect and the deep fried squid with chilli and garlic simply divine.

I recognised someone in the restaurant, but could not place who she was. She seemed so familiar. I knew her from somewhere. But couldn’t remember where. Was it work, travelling somewhere, socially ? I don’t know. Needless to say, I didn’t wander over and say ‘who the hell are you ?’ ;o) Still can’t remember who she was… will come back to me sometime I guess !

Yikes…. Camel Spiders

Yikes, yikes, yikes !

These are camel spiders.

Found in the Iraqi desert by US troops. Apparently one of them crawled into a soldier’s sleeping bag !!!

The thought of one of these monsters crawling up your leg…

I have encountered one of these nasties.

The summer after I left school, I went to Egypt. Our group camped out at an oasis in the western desert. We pitched our tents right next to a deep spring and swam and washed in the clear water. One of the girls put her towel over the apex of the tent to dry. Overnight the towel fell onto the sand.

The next morning we were woken by a terrible scream. She picked up the towel to find a huge camel spider sheltering underneath. We were all out of our tents in a flash to see the beast scurrying off across the sand.

It was massive.

I remember feeling weak at the knees that such a huge spider had been prowling around.

We were sleeping under canvas with open flaps and anything could have crawled in.

Could there be more ?

In shoes, sleeping bags, pockets or rucksacks ?

Had we pitched up on a colony of the things ? Was this the first of many ?

We were all shocked at the size of the thing and it soon turned into a nervy game with the boys frightening the girls with a shriek here and a thrown towel there.

We gingerly searched our stuff, but never saw another one.

Thank god it was morning. Thank god we were moving on…

Another night in the desert surrounded by camel spiders would not have been fun.

We laughed about it later…

Shed Demolition Day

Tore down and burnt up an old garden shed this weekend. Great fun in a destructive, fire sort of way.

The old shed had been rotting away for years and I was drafted in to help with the demolition.

We armed ourselves with axes, crowbars, jemmies, metal poles, sledge hammers, a quart of paraffin and box of matches. After half an hour or so of smashing away and ripping the walls down it finally collapsed. We found a few birds nests and loads of huge spiders which delighted and terrified the kids in equal measure.

Sparked up the mother of all bonfires and stood back to watch it all go up in smoke. The heat was immense. We sat round sipping cold beer, lobbing on anything we could find and surveying our handiwork.

To top it all off a Lancaster bomber with Spitfire and Hurricane escort flew low over us on their way back from an air show. An impressive sight. It was a perfect bloke day of smashing things up, burning things, a flypast and beer.

We sure savoured the delight of sitting round a fire in the open air after a hard days work. We just needed a haunch of freshly caught meat to roast and the primeval male fantasy would’ve been complete !

The next job is to build a shiny new shed in its place. So a summer of construction weekends awaits. Must get a tool belt !

Ever fancied checking out the

Ever fancied checking out the spy planes on a top secret airforce base ? Well, thanks to Google maps you can ! Their new satellite image service covers much of the US and you can zoom in pretty close. Choose your airbase and spy on those spooks.

Here’s a stealth bomber caught in the open and here’s a U2 spy plane with a couple of blackbird supersonic surveillance jets.

First prize to whoever can pin-point Area 51 !