Shed Demolition Day

Tore down and burnt up an old garden shed this weekend. Great fun in a destructive, fire sort of way.

The old shed had been rotting away for years and I was drafted in to help with the demolition.

We armed ourselves with axes, crowbars, jemmies, metal poles, sledge hammers, a quart of paraffin and box of matches. After half an hour or so of smashing away and ripping the walls down it finally collapsed. We found a few birds nests and loads of huge spiders which delighted and terrified the kids in equal measure.

Sparked up the mother of all bonfires and stood back to watch it all go up in smoke. The heat was immense. We sat round sipping cold beer, lobbing on anything we could find and surveying our handiwork.

To top it all off a Lancaster bomber with Spitfire and Hurricane escort flew low over us on their way back from an air show. An impressive sight. It was a perfect bloke day of smashing things up, burning things, a flypast and beer.

We sure savoured the delight of sitting round a fire in the open air after a hard days work. We just needed a haunch of freshly caught meat to roast and the primeval male fantasy would’ve been complete !

The next job is to build a shiny new shed in its place. So a summer of construction weekends awaits. Must get a tool belt !