Month: August 2005


I’m thinking of getting a Remoska. They’re neat little electric cookers from the Czech Republic. Apparently, they were the staple cooking appliance of the Czech kitchen in the Cold War. They are totally versatile, so easy to clean, fantastically economical and you can roast, fry, bake, grill and much more. The secret is the lid does the cooking ! Think of it as a large saucepan with a 500W element in the cover.

My oven is shite and I hate cleaning it. What I want is an easy to clean pot I can tip the ingredients in and leave them to cook. Hopefully, I’ll never use the damn oven again…

Shakespearean insults

Ever needed an elaborate insult or a flamboyant put down ? Then look no further than this Shakespearean insult generator.

my particular favourites are:

Kiss my codpiece thou frothy fen-sucked flax-wench
Away I say, thou unmuzzled clay-brained varlot
Tune thy lute thou weedy onion-eyed barnacle
Swim with leeches thou mewling codpiece-sniffing knave
Thou soulless tallow-faced turd
Thou artless guts-griping odiferous stench!

First week of the new

First week of the new job in the bag. My God it’s going well. So much to learn, so many new faces and things to do. Complete culture shock moving to a huge organisation from a small agency.

I work in the mobile team developing some really cool 3G and streaming media applications. I also get to work on broadband telly and IPTV. Hooray !

Great team with some very interesting people and fabulous state of the art new building. Phew, I can still barely believe it !

Oh My God, I got

Oh My God, I got the job ! How good is that ? I mean WOW. Got a call this morning, ‘can you start Monday’. Streaming media, next generation internet TV, broadband films, 3G mobile – I’ll be working in the Production and Development Division on some hot shit stuff. Can’t wait…


Interview today for a fantastic streaming media job at one of the world’s best media outfits. IPTV, next generation internet telly and mobile. Seriously, seriously good. Interview went really well. Thought I connected and gave good answers etc. It’s weird how these things work. The interview ends and a few minutes later you’re back on the pavement wondering if it was all a dream.

Got back and nipped out to pick up a few things. Returned at 6.00 to find a tantalising voicemail from their Human Resources Department saying please call. Rang back and left a message, but it was late so have to wait ’til tomorrow. It’ll either be ‘welcome to our world’, second interview or ‘thanks but no thanks’. I just want to know…. fingers crossed.

Funny incident on the way. I managed to get on the wrong train ! Doh. How stupid is that ? How, I don’t really know. With the clock ticking, had a few panicky moments reworking the route. Made a hot day, much hotter ! No probs tho’, changed at Earl’s Court and made it with plenty of time to spare.

Seems ABC TV’s MediaWatch boobed

Seems ABC TV’s MediaWatch boobed on the Phil Gould plagiarism thing. They’ve posted an apology on their site titled, ‘Correction: Phil Gould is not a plagiarist*scroll down to see it*. Looks like there was some sort of subbing error at the Sun Herald. Ah well. Funny being distantly caught up in a media squabble.

Media spats can be a little weird sometimes. One bunch of journalists flinging accusations around while others issue the outraged denials. Internecine warfare and journalistic rivalry is pretty common in the media thse days. Intense competiton inevitably leads to regular feuds between news organisations and, every now and then, all out media warfare. Fun to watch when it happens.

Journos spend ages competing for stories and can get carried away knit picking over rivals’ pieces (pun intended !). Their bickering and point scoring can be a bit incestuous. They do live in their own world sometimes.

ABC’s MediaWatch seems to be regularly under fire for reporting media screw ups and bias. Take a look at ‘How the ABC distorts the news on news’, a bitter little vendetta waged by The Australian against MediaWatch. It just proves MediaWatch are getting something right when commercial media get so worked up by their scrutiny.

It’s a bit like those ridiculous anti-BBC sites and blogs. They are obsessed with finding bias in BBC programming and take it upon themselves to expose what they see as a sinister left-wing agenda. Most are lunatics living in a right-wing fantasy world of conspiracy theories, liberal media plots, EU domination and ‘political correctness gone mad’. Amazingly, this kind of lunacy can still be found in the pages of the Daily Telegraph and Dail Mail. It’s old fashioned ‘reds under the bed’ weirdness. They really should know better…

OMG ! This weblog gets on Australian TV…

Phil Gould's collective memory

Holy Dooley ! This little weblog gets a mention on Australian TV… How good is that ! Turns out the Aussie footy commentator Phil Gould has been busted swiping copy from this site ! Watch the clip here.

Apparently, he wrote a Sun-Herald column on July 24 reminiscing on the good old days growing up in Australia. Looks like some copy was blatantly lifted from a nostalgic account of an Aussie childhood on this site. Here’s the entry.

ABC TV’s Mediawatch picked up Phil’s goof and featured this site on it’s TV report. I only noticed when my visitor stats exploded with traffic from Down Under !

I didn’t write the piece, it came through on email as an amusing thing forwarded round the office on a slow afternoon. I lived and worked in Oz a few years back and contracted for a Melbourne IT firm. One day the ‘Growing up in Australia’ mail was passed around. No idea where it came from. When I started blogging, I remembered it, dug it out and posted it as an amusing childhood nostalgia fest.

I’ve no idea if Phil lifted the copy from this site or found it elsewhere ? Cool to be featured on TV though.