car thieving SCUM

Damn, I’m pissed off.

Over the summer my mother, brother and I cooked up a neat plan to swap cars.

My mother was going to get a new car, my bro would take on her old one and I would take on his car.

I haven’t had a car since coming back from travelling and have decided it’s high time I bought a motor.

So, this little deal seemed a perfect way to get a reliable set of wheels with the added bonus of avoiding the dodgy dealers and tarted-up disasters of the second-hand car market.

My parents went to see a nice car on Thursday and have decided to buy, setting the family car swap in motion.

However – and here’s the real pisser – my bro rang yesterday to tell me his car was stolen from outside his flat on Friday.

I mean… jesus that makes me madder than hell !


What a total fucker.

Such a beautiful little plan with everyone a winner comes to nothing because of a bunch of car-thieving SCUM ! Baaaastards.

He reported it to the police who said there was a reasonable chance of finding it. I wouldn’t bet on it though. It’s a 10 year old Golf and no one would nick it to sell on.

I guess it’s either been trashed by now or dumped somewhere. I’ll give it a few weeks to see if it turns up in a decent state and then I’ll wade into the second-hand car market.


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