that stolen car

Update on my bro’s stolen car. The police rang him the other week to say they’d arrested 4 people for stealing his motor.

This raised our hopes that it might be recovered and I’d be able to take in on after all.

However, they said the culprits were involved in a dodgy spare parts scam.

They would steal older cars, sell the parts and scrap the rest.

The coppers had recovered some cars, but not my bro’s.

It seems likely it was stripped of its more valuable bits and crushed to remove the evidence. Fuckers.

So, it’s an insurance claim and the delights of the second-hand car market for me.

I put out some feelers the other day to see if anyone knows of a car for sale.

Apparently, there’s a 1998 Golf VR6 that a friend of my mother’s is thinking of selling.


Bit pricey, but I’m tempted.

Perhaps the theft drama has a silver lining after all…