family christening

Lovely family christening today.

My two nephews and niece were christened in their village church.

I’m godfather to the eldest.

I haven’t been to church since school and a Sunday service was a bit of an alien experience. However, the vicar was brilliant and explained the meaning of the service to the kids and was very relaxed about children running around and little ones screaming and fidgeting. His style was more conversational than preachy and his message was accessible even to non-believers like me.

We sang a few hymns, said some prayers, heard a reading from the bible and a sermon on being a good neighbour.

At the appointed moment, we gathered round the ancient stone font to witness the baptism. The vicar said a few words, made the sign of the cross and wet each head with water. The symbolism was special and really quite moving.

Despite my views on God and religion, I felt it important that the kids should be christened in their local church.

For me it’s more a cultural right of passage than a profound religious experience. The service was very good and I’m touched to be chosen as godfather.

As a godparent, I now have responsibilities towards him and will take a special interest in his development and life.

My own godfather gave me a leather bound bible on my christening. I was only a few months old and it was years before I appreciated the gift. I still have it and it’s a treasured possession. So, in turn, I gave my nephew a leather bound King James Bible with a personal inscription to mark the occasion.

After the service we all piled back to my sister and brother-in-law’s place for a celebration. They put on a wonderful spread, complete with champagne and yummy cakes.

I then had the pleasure of driving back to London in the new car, rather than heading to the station to catch a damn train.

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