
I’ve just upgraded to MovableType 3.31. It wasn’t easy. My technical knowledge was tested by database object driver messages, parsing errors and endless directory permission issues. After a bit of head scratching and quite a lot of swearing, I finally did it.

I learned all about strange things like chmod and cgi scripting. I was editing the .cgi files with Microsofts Notepad. Turned out I was saving the files in the wrong format so the scripts weren’t running. After hunting round on the forums and thinking about it for a while, I eventually searched out Notepad2 and it all worked wonderfully.

Then I hit a barrage of FTP issues, directory permissions and chmod commands. Being a hopeless amateur when it comes to servers, code and scripts, I downloaded the rather wonderful FireFTP which gave me a nice graphical interface to sort it all out.

So, I’m now running the latest version. There are a few publishing issues to sort and more missing pages than I would want. But, bear with me and I’ll work through the final tweaks and get this little blog back on the road.

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