Month: November 2006

Secret Bases

I recently spent an idle evening flying around the world on Google Earth looking for US military bases. Here’s what I found…


Seems Bush’s Iraq strategy has been reduced to a lame plea for ideas. Here’s what The President said after a recent cabinet meeting:

"I'm open to any idea or suggestion that will help us achieve our goals of defeating the terrorists and ensuring that Iraq's democratic government succeeds".

There are no good options left for the Americans in Iraq.

It’s a total disaster.

Forget democracy, freedom and liberation for the Iraqis. It’s all about exit strategy now.

With the 2008 presidential elections looming, the only question left is how will they get out ?

James Baker, US Secretary of State during the first Iraq war and a long-standing Bush family fixer, has been recruited to come up with some answers.

In less than 5 years, the Bush Doctrine lies in tatters.

Just look at the countries fingered in the now infamous ‘axis of evil’ speech:

  1. Iran – building nuclear weapons and poised to dominate in oil-rich southern Iraq
  2. Iraq – broken and engulfed in a vicious civil war that threatens to ignite the region
  3. North Korea – tested a nuclear weapon and armed to the teeth with long-range missiles capable of hitting Japan (the world’s second-largest economy) and, some argue, California (the world’s 10th largest economy).

Instability here we come.

Thanks, George.


Hmmm…. I’m getting bored of commuting to an inbox.

Endless emails, too many meetings and that damn train twice a day are starting to wear me down.

Jesus will it never end.

Say I retire at 65, that gives me another 30 years of this.
