Month: February 2007


David Cameron is a slick political PR man, but he’s got zero experience of government. He is much more presentation than substance. ‘Woy’ Hattersley got Cameron just right in his recent article in the Guardian. We just don’t want people like this running the place anymore.

Hack Attack

Hmmm…. this little blog got attacked by a nasty hack the other day. Seems there’s some kind of Microsoft Virtual Machine vulnerability allowing this bastard to add a vicious script to one of my pages.

I only discovered something was up when I got a security notification from my hosting co. followed by another mail announcing my bandwidth allocation had been zapped.


I’m still not quite sure what happened or how. But the security hole has been plugged and we’re back on the road.


“can a fart be seen with heat detection cameras?”

Someone searched for this and ended up on this site….. hahahha!