Month: May 2007

House moving and IKEA

Haven’t posted for ages….

So much has happened recently.

I’ve bought a flat, moved in and started going to IKEA. It’s addictive and that’s only the restaurant’s Swedish meatballs.

Anyway, I now have much more space and a garden. Yippppeeeee.

Bought a lawnmower the other week too and now feel old !!!

So, I’ve been looking for all kinds of furniture, fittings, rugs, cupboards, cabinets, tables, kitchen stuff. You name it, and it’s on my list of things to buy.

I’ve spent infuriating weekends assembling IKEA flat-packed furniture. You’ve gotta hand it to those crafty Swedes, when it comes to self-assembly they really know what’s going on.

I’ve put a few things together upside down and irritatingly drilled some holes in the wrong place, but generally speaking, it’s been fine.

The big one has been getting a new sofa. New place means new sofa.

No question.

Went to IKEA. Where else ? Perused the sofas and, of couse, chose the most enormous 3 seater in the place.

IKEA, being amazing, delivered the next day.

The van arrived bang on time and a giant of a man rang my doorbell. I mean he was huge. His name was Serge.

Well, Serge and his delivery mates hauled the sofa through the front door, but could they get it into my front room ? Could they fuck ! They heaved and pulled, even took the door off. They swivelled, pushed, twisted and turned it in every direction.

But, after 10 minutes of swearing, we all realised the sofa was too big to fit round the corner into the sitting room.

Shit !

Well, I thought if big Serge can’t get it in, no one can. Quick as you like, it was back on the truck and I was left with a ‘back to the warehouse’ note and a funny sense that that hadn’t really just happened !

Anyway, IKEA, being amazing, gave me a full refund and I chose a different sofa !

Being wiser to the pitfalls of sofa selection, I chose an easy self assembly which comes in reasonable-sized sections…. doh !!!