Month: September 2007

You’ve got to hand it to Gordon Brown. He’s royally fucked David Cameron with all the general election talk.

Gordon leaves his party conference ahead in the polls and firmly in charge of his party. Cameron on the other hand is faced with opening his party conference behind in the polls and plagued by election rumours.

All the choices are Gordon’s. All the risks are Cameron’s. To ice the cake all Gordon needs is a plum defection from the Tories to Labour. He pulled off the Quentin Davies defection just before he became Prime Minister. Can he do it again ?


The shed goes on… or up, should I say.

Spent a long day yesterday precariously perched on a ladder screwing corrugated panels to the roof frame.

The final shed building weekend of the summer comes to an end and we’ve the roof and walls all done.

Ache like a bastard now.

No one fell off and we were regularly fed with tea and cake. So a good day really.

Today we finished off the featherboard walls and paused for beer and sausages at lunch.

It’s been a real pencil behind the ear effort.

Sawing boards with a fearsome looking chop saw and tacking them in place with a real sense of DIY goodness.

It’s been an epic shed-building saga.

2 years in the making with much planning, musing, tea and swearing !

Amateurs to a man, but we’re nearly there !

Here’s where we were last summer. The year before that we had a great day tearing down and burning the old shed.

What will we do when it’s finished ?

Build another one I suppose.