Month: April 2009

Budget Day

Just watched the coverage of today’s budget.  Colossal £175bn national debt that will take at least a decade to clear. Taxes and unemployment spiralling ever upwards. Bad, bad news. The good times are very definitely over.

It’s Labour’s black wednesday. In fact, it’s the end of New Labour. Crashing out of the ERM finally finished the Tories, their reputation for economic management in shreds. Similarly, the current recession, and Labour’s response to it, has  sealed their electoral fate. They simply can’t win the next election now. They are too compromised on the economy.

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-02

  • watching live webcast of g20 reception at Buckingham Palace. amazing how normal they all seem just stading in a room chatting #
  • what a lot of hands the Queen has to shake… Obama greets the arab leaders with salaam ale-kum, v impressive. so un-Bush #
  • Lokks like the individual embassies were responsible for booking the limos. I’m sure the Korean leader has just pulled up in a hearse… #
  • fascinating behind the scenes footage on G20 webcast. Obamas sweep into the palace in ‘the beast’. then get crammed into a tiny palace lift. #