Month: July 2009

Are we really looking at a Cameron led Tory government within a year ? Pheeeeww. I hope not.

There’s one thing worse than government by politicians and that’s government by journalists and PR men.

Cameron is a PR man. Presentation is his craft. He has no experience of government, indeed he has little experience of anything. He only knows the art of spin. Useful in opposition, dangerous in power.

George Osbourne, similarly, has little real-world experience. Michael Gove is a journalist. As is Boris Johnson.

Bad move to elect ‘commentators’ to power. They can generate instant opinion, but can they govern ? I doubt it.

It’s official. I’m now addicted to cycling. I just love taking off on the bike and cycling round London.

I’ve worked up a regular route which takes me over Wimbledon Common and all the way around Richmond Park. The whole trip is about 24 miles and gives me a really good run.

London’s parks are fantastic. I just love them. Today I cycled over Tooting Bec, Wandsworth Common, Wimbledon Park, Wimbledon Common, Richmond Park and Putney Heath.

So, the plan is more cycling and a slightly finer and fitter me.

Apparently, according to a colleague at work, there is an easy way to spot a serious cyclist.

They shave their legs.

I guess to make them go faster.

Well, here I was, powering round Richmond Park, checking out all the cyclists overtaking me – there were quite a few ! Truth be told, the serious, lycra clad, £2000+ bike riders all had shaved legs.

Does it really make that much difference ?