Month: October 2009


What’s going down on Twitter right now ? What’s everyone talking about around the world ? Well, Trendsmap will geo-locate Twitter posts and aggregate them on a handy world map. Nice.

What are you doing?

clocks are a changing

Bleh ! We changed the clocks last night – back an hour and into darkness and gloom ! I hate this abrupt transition from crisp, bright autumn to dark and dreary winter. God, it gets dark so damn early.Roll on spring and sunshine !


Holy house, I’ve really caught the cycling bug ! This summer I’ve cycled 650 miles which is more than the straight-line distance from Land’s End to John o’ Groats, don’t you know ! Quite an achievment really. Even if I do say so myself…

The bike was a bit of an impulse buy and I had no idea I’d take to cycling. I’ve developed a good 30 mile route which I’ve managed to do most Sundays. It takes me over Tooting Bec and Wandsworth Common through Earlsfield to Wimbledon ParkĀ  and Wimbledon Village before breezing down the A3 footpath to Richmond Park.

I then whizz round Richmond Park and out to the Thames tow path before re-entering the park by the Star and Garter on Richmond Hill. I love racing down the parkĀ  hill and sometimes get up to 30mph. If only there was a pesky speed camera to trigger on that stretch…

I then whip through the Robin Hood Estate and back along to Wimbledon Village and home past St George’s Hospital and Ahmen Corner.

Just love it. I even extended the route today by going all the way to Kingston and coming back along the towpath, past Teddington Lock and Ham Polo and up Richmond Hill.

Never thought I’d find such an enjoyable way to stay in shape. I’ve lost half a stone and have never felt better !

Picked up a neat iPod Shuffle which I’ved fed with lots of cheesy, feel-good tunes to keep me going. I’ve even, rather more worryingly, started buying brightly coloured cycling gear… !

Anyway, here’s to the next 500 miles…