Month: February 2010


Got an iPhone 3GS the other week. What a stunningly shiny little gadget it is. You can even make phone calls on it !

My mobile internet usage has sky rocketed and I’m now running a healthy addiction to a screen full of  sexy little  apps.

Here’s the immediate things that’ve changed since I picked up the iPhone:

  1. I’ve stopped wearing a watch. No longer need it. The iPhone is always to hand, so why bother with a wristwatch…
  2. My calendar and contacts just work on the iPhone (via Google) without all the hassle and uncertainty of a clumsy Outlook synch.
  3. I’m printing much less. I’ve got maps at my finger tips, so no printing directions before I head out the door.
  4. I now know where my morning train is, thanks to the handy National Rail app – no more chancing it at the station to see if my train turns up on time.  If I need to divert, I know when and where, well in advance…
  5. I’m taking way more photos
  6. I’m reading a wider range of newspapers and magazines without paying for any of them. (Why the print media give away their content online and then whine about vanishing circulation and revenues beats me).

If I had to knitpick I’d say the lack of multitasking is a bit annoying and O2 is slow as hell.  But, hey, it’s a damn good device and still leaves the competition standing.

The iPad looks like the next game-changer, can they pull it off ? I think so. Definitely one to watch.