The Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

Watched the Queen’s funeral today. Wow ! It was surprisingly emotional.

Wasn’t expecting to be so moved.

Loved the powerful symbolism of the service and the pageantry of the state ceremony. The funeral procession was stunning.

Standout moments for me –

  1. The Service at Westminster Abbey

2. The Royal Company of Archers, with their eagle feather plumes and ceremonial bows, escorting the royal mourners.

3. The Archbishop’s sermon on The Queen’s 1947 pledge that her life ‘shall be devoted to your service ‘.

Rarely has such a promise been so well kept” and “those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power & privileges are forgotten“.

4. The massed pipes and drums play The Mist Covered Mountains as the coffin departs Westminster Hall. 

Can’t beat the power and solemnity of the bagpipes.

5. Massed pipes and drums from Scottish and Irish regiments, the Brigade of Gurkhas and the Royal Air Force in the procession.

6. My absolute favourite was The Royal Canadian Mounted Police – the Mounties – leading the procession.

A proud day for Canada.

Love those beautiful black horses.

7. The final procession up the long walk and into Windsor Castle.

8. The removal of the Sceptre, Orb and Crown from the coffin – the symbolic end of her reign and the passing on of the crown jewels to a new monarch.

9. the lowering of the coffin into the royal vault at Windsor Castle as the lone piper plays the lament.

The final, inevitable, goodbye.