Category: Tweets

Snowed in…

It’s turned out to be a very cold, icy winter with lots of snow. Rocked up at the station as usual to get to work, but not a train was running in either direction.

Snow completely killed the transport network so I crunched back home in the falling snow to w[sh]irk from home. unbelieveable.

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-02

  • watching live webcast of g20 reception at Buckingham Palace. amazing how normal they all seem just stading in a room chatting #
  • what a lot of hands the Queen has to shake… Obama greets the arab leaders with salaam ale-kum, v impressive. so un-Bush #
  • Lokks like the individual embassies were responsible for booking the limos. I’m sure the Korean leader has just pulled up in a hearse… #
  • fascinating behind the scenes footage on G20 webcast. Obamas sweep into the palace in ‘the beast’. then get crammed into a tiny palace lift. #