Tag: tech

Hysterically Funny….

A while ago I got a second hard drive for my PC.

To fit it I needed a couple of pesky little brackets – could I find those brackets ? I could not ! Read about it here !

See this picture. It’s the inside of my PC case cover. See those things screwed to the inside…

Each time I’ve taken off the cover I’ve laid it aside. Never giving it a second look.

Today I popped into a little computer shop and, to my amazement, they had some brackets. They looked a bit different, but I thought they’d do.

I got back full of expectation. Took the cover off the PC and put it aside as usual.

As I sat on the floor examining the new brackets, I glanced across at the PC cover.

What did I see ?

Four shiny hard disk brackets were neatly screwed to the inside of the cover.

How dumb is that… I mean Jesus. Fuck !!!

Hard Disk Hassle…

See this picture.

It’s a hard disk with 2 neat little brackets that screw onto the side, allowing you to slip the disk in and out of the rack inside the PC.

So what, you might ask !

Well, a while ago I thought I’d reinstall XP and sort out the storage on my machine.

Decided on a new 160GB disk to add to the 200GB drive I’ve already got.

The idea is to dedicate the 200GB disk to my video work and use the 160GB drive for everything else. Simple.

Got a good deal on the new disk and opened up my box to fit it. Ages ago I used to work with hardware and did this kinda thing all the time.

When I got under the bonnet, I saw the existing disk held in the rack with these sliding brackets. I hadn’t seen these before and realised I needed two more for the new disk.

Didn’t think they would be that easy to describe, so had a brainwave and snapped a few pics with the digital camera. Nice.

Raced off to Tottenham Court Road one evening after work to pick up some brackets. Ended up spending a fruitless evening going in and out of the electronics shops with this photo.

They were all keen to sell me a bargain laptop or a cut-price PDA. But, as soon as I asked about sliding hard disk brackets they shook their heads dismissively and moved on to the next mark…

Can I find these fucking brackets ?

I cannot.

I’ve searched the internet, browsed eBay, emailed the company I bought the PC from, been into various computer shops and even asked the IT guys at work.

All say they don’t have them.

One guy even said, ‘Oh yeah, we get those from time to time and usually throw them out!’. What !?!

So, the hunt goes on. I’ve learnt they’re mainly used in servers, hence not being widely available in the retail market. I now vainly carry this photo around asking anyone who might know where I can get sliding hard disk mounting brackets !

God Dammit !

Does anyone out there know where I can get two of these little beauties ? I’ve got a lonely hard disk in need of a pair…