Tag: ways of working

Strategy Frameworks

Ever wondered how those management consultants come up with their infamous strategies ?

They have a library of tried and tested frameworks.

They parachute into the boardroom with a preselected framework and a slick deck. Practised salesmen offer an ocean, a horizon, a diamond, or a value stick.

Take your pick.

What the customer wanted…

I remember this classic cartoon. Customer requirements can easily be misunderstood, miscommunicated and mismanaged. I used it in a fair few presentations back in the day.

Understanding the problem your customer is actually trying to solve is crucial.

In 1969 Harvard Professor Theodore Levitt published The Marketing Mode: Pathways To Corporate Growth.

In it, he attributed this saying to Leo McGivena:

Last year 1 million quarter-inch drills were sold, not because people wanted quarter-inch drills but because they wanted quarter-inch holes.

Focus on the outcome the customer needs (the quarter-inch hole), not the means of achieving it (the drill).

Just stumbled across a fantastic resource library from Narrative, a strategy and design consultancy based in Austin, Texas.

Useful guides to design research, facilitation, ideation, product design, synthesis, usability evaluation and more. See the full library here.